

This is Eric, Eric came to me to regain the strength he had in his youth. He is 47 years old and works a blue-collar job. He has seen over the years, guys in his job age horribly. Not only does he work around people who look 15 years older than they are, but they have lost the ability to do what they love from lack of exercise. Eric is different, he did not want that for his life. He has 3 kids and wanted to set an example for them. He has always had a passion for strength, so that’s where we started. Initially, his goals were to get his bench press back to 315 and deadlift back to 405.

Eric is an interesting client because he is only able to work out in the gym 2 weeks out of the month, since the other 2 weeks he has his kids and is tied up with time. This was not a problem! In three short months under my programming, Eric hit a 315 bench again, and after not deadlifting for 10+ years was able to hit 425 with ease! This is a testament to the hard work Eric has put in, and he is seeing the fruits of his hard work!

Now, Eric is looking to cut 40lbs and get shredded! His goal bodyweight is a bodyweight he has not been at since high school! Along with that, he wants to focus his attention on longevity and training for aesthetics.

Eric is an example not only of what my programming can do, but where hard work and determination gets you!


This is Noah, Noah and I became friends when after high school we started working at GNC together. Through our passion for strength training, we hit it off right away. Noah has seen quite the success on his own but hit plateaus in his bench press, squat, and deadlift. He knew who to get in touch with! In the short time we have been working together, what Noah has been able to do, is nothing short of Impressive!

Noah won’t like me saying this, but he is 5 and a half feet 135 lbs. The old phrase, “mass moves mass,” does not apply to Noah. But that hasn’t stopped him! At 135 pounds he has hit a 260-pound bench press, almost double his body weight! He has also been able to squat 275 pounds and deadlift 300 pounds respectively! Pretty impressive numbers, all while being LEAN and MEAN!

Noah’s goals are to hit a 315-bench press, 365 squat, and a 405 deadlift, all while staying around 135 pounds! At the ripe age of 21 years old, Noah is setting himself up to break some records!

If you are that small kid who thinks he doesn’t have a chance to be strong or doesn’t know how to get strong, you have come to the right place! Noah is an example of what my programming can do. If it can work for him, It will work for you!


This is Reggie, Reggie has always had a passion for strength training. Growing up watching pro wrestling he admired the likes of Ken Patera, superstar heel wrestler and American U.S Olympic silver medalist in the clean, jerk, and snatch. Reggie growing up had gotten pretty strong on his own without following a program. He recalls his most memorable lifts being, 315 bench press, and repping 275 pounds with ease on the incline bench press.

As Reggie got older, he stopped going to the gym as much, and through some health complications, that were made worse by not working out, Reggie needed a fix. Under his own willpower and grit, he started going to the gym again and lost a considerable amount of weight. He started regaining the love for the gym he once had. After about a year of going to the gym on his own, his lifts fell stagnant. After that year, Reggie details he was tired of the “cookie cutter” program he was doing and was ready to level up his strength!

So, Reggie and I got in contact. Through our limited time of working together, Reggie felt the difference. We identified core weaknesses and made it our mission to turn those weaknesses into strengths! No longer running “cookie cutter,” “quick fix” programs, but building raw horsepower that turns into head-turning strength and jaw-dropping physiques.

Reggie’s goals are to bench 315 pounds again, deadlift 405, and overhead press 185 pounds. With him being close to 50 years old now, these are no small feats, but they are goals that will be hit!

Keep up with Reggie’s progress on my socials @cbartironworks and see him man-handle weights your 20-year-old son can’t do!


This is Christian, owner, and founder of CBart Iron Works Co. Christian has had a serious passion for strength training and nutrition since high school. In the early days, he recalls dirty bulks and aggressive cuts for nutrition, and the training is just to lift as heavy as possible every day. With pressure from his family to be strong, Christian knew he needed some guidance to figure out his nutrition and training to maximize strength.

It was in this quest for strength that Christian got connected with one of the strongest men in Wisconsin, Josiah Richardson. Josiah is 22, and a full-time competitor in competitive powerlifting as well as a strength coach. Christian recalls seeing Josiah bench press over 400 pounds with a pause, and deadlift almost 800 pounds naturally, and was left in disbelief at what the human body could achieve. In the year Christian worked with Josiah, he details what he learned from Josiah transformed how he viewed strength training. In that year, Christian saw his bench press go up 60 pounds, deadlift up 55 pounds, and squat up 60 pounds! The guidance and mentorship that was provided put Christian on the path he is today to be that for others!

Christian’s journey did not stop there. Curious for more knowledge, Christian got in contact with Josh Bryant. Josh is the youngest man to ever bench press 600 pounds and is the author of the “Jail-House Strong” series. He has coached 20+ 600-pound bench pressers and is the coach for the now all-time best raw bench press of close to 800 pounds! Josh’s resume speaks for itself, but what’s not said is his willingness to provide guidance and mentorship for no cost. This can’t be overlooked. Josh has provided Christian not only tips on how to be a better trainer but has also instilled the knowledge he has on how to produce world-class lifters. With unique training techniques, Josh has produced some of the strongest humans the world has ever seen! That knowledge he has was passed on to Christian, so he can take clients to a level they never thought possible!

The last step in Christian’s journey was to get ISSA certified. ISSA is not your weekend certification course and then full-time training coach the next week. It is filled with rigorous tests to ensure all applicants are properly educated!

Through mentorship and guidance, becoming ISSA certified, and reading many books on nutrition and strength training, Christian has found himself at a 315-pound bench press, 450-pound squat, and close to 600-pound deadlift. Christian at 20 years old, is still hungry for more, constantly looking to improve, with hopes of totaling 2000 pounds naturally.

Keep up with Christian’s progress @cbartironworks on all socials!